
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Freshwater Supply - Alarming problem for increasing population size

Population growth has diversified effects on the planet. One of those is to meet the increasing demand of fresh water supply around the world.

Thirsty people severely rely on limited supply of fresh water. Fresh water supply has firmly become a common problem for most developing countries in the world like Somalia, India, Bangladesh etc. This is due to the lack of water purification systems adopted by those countries. But the main point of concern is that with the increasing population, this will become a deadly issue for the developing countries. Diseases related to fresh water and sanitation is frighteningly  increasing in those countries. Some countries like Saudi Arabia, uses energy expensive desalination to solve the problem of water shortage. But the developing countries cannot afford it. Some expert advice, large scale saltwater desalination plants can supply more fresh water. But this could be the solution for large economic countries. Developing countries urgently required to find a solution  to meet the demand for upcoming freshwater supply.

Organizations like UN, World Bank should come forward to find a solution for fresh water supply of the developing and under developed countries. This could be by means of finance, aid or technological support.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Soon the world population will reach 7 billion. Can population growth have a positive impact for the human race?

Globally, now, the average woman has about 3 children. In 1960s the average woman had about 6 children. Even in African countries the population growth is coming down. However, having a large family is still a problem for a family as well as for a country. But still, there are some families who take them as usual and do not regret to have large family.

Here are the answers why some people believe that population growth has some positive impact:
  1.  Someone have to look after when you are old. If you have more children, you will have more hands to look after you. Especially in the countries, where people have no govt. security, or pension, medical insurance etc.
  2. If you are a farmer or a businessman, you will have more hands to use for your business or farming in the field. It means that you don’t have to depend upon others to run your business. You can meet up your own labor forces at your home plus your labor cost is decreasing.
  3. With the increase of the population, the productivity of food, shelter and other basic human needs are also increasing. Cause, you have more hands to work and produce. But the problem is whether this increased population will be a skilled manpower. If they do not become skilled manpower, then they will become a burden for the family, burden for the state. Thus, increase in the skilled manpower always a blessing for the family and for the state.
  4. More people mean more consumption. This increased consumption will create demand for more foods, shelter and etc.This will lead to the increase in global productivity 

However, Population growth is still a threat for the world. The donor agencies should be more focused on this issue to keep the population growth in control.

Friday, July 29, 2011

World Population Statistics

World population statistics by 2010 (estimated) of the top 25 countries by their total population is provided below. The selected countries' land area and population density is also given here. Bangladesh is among the seventh largest country in the world by its population size. Whereas, by land area it is 92th country in the world.

According to World population history, about 70,000 years ago, there was dramatic collapse of the human population. After that the human population has continued its development and growth till now. By AD1 to 1750, the population growth rate was 0.1%, whereas, by 1750 to 2000 it has increased to 0.8%. According to a estimation, the world population by 2010 was 6.9 billion.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The most densely populated cities in the world

The cities with a population above two million with the highest population density, according to the book "The Top 10 of Everything" are:

1. Hong Kong, China
2. Lagos, Nigeria
3. Dhaka, Bangladesh
4. Jakarta, Indonesia
5. Mumbai, India
6. Ahmadabad, India
7. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
8. Shenyang, China
9. Bangalore, India
10. Cairo, Egypt

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Experience

I always fear of my landlord. Because if he tells me to free the house next month, I would have to find another house, shift their and make new setting. But finding a house of my expectation and within my financial range is a luck I say.