
Friday, August 05, 2011

Problems associated with overpopulation

There are many problems associated with over population. These problems are diverse and most visible in highly populated countries. Problems like these are associated with each other and countries are floating in dark to reach a solution.
  • Inadequate fresh water: Water purification system is a very expensive and timely process. Developing countries are using energy expensive desalination to meet the water demand. This is not possible for least developed countries.
  • Depletion of natural resources: Natural resources are scarce and costly. People are heavily dependent on these resources. The over population is constantly diminishing this limited resources.
  •  Air PollutionWater PollutionSoil Contamination and Noise Pollution: Once a country becomes overpopulated, these pollutions become a common problem.
  • Deforestation and loss of ecosystems: About eight million hectares of forest are lost each year. This rate is increasing every year. The ecosystem is also loosing balance.
  • Changes in atmospheric composition and consequent: Global warming has become a much talked issue in the recent past. With the increase in the population, atmospheric composition is also changing and loosing the balance.
  • Loss of arable land: Human activity has increased the global rate of soil erosion three-fold since pre-historic times. Soil erosion and other forms of land degradation now rob the world of 70-140 000km2/year of farming land. Urbanization alone is responsible for the loss of 20-40 000km2/year. Worldwide, soil erosion has caused abandonment of 4.3 million km2 of arable land during the last four decades.. We are losing 100 billion tones (100 gig tones) of topsoil every year. This is five times faster than nature can create it.
  • Species Extinctions: Species are largely dependent on farming and cultivation. The increased population is directly or indirectly helping the extinction of many species. This is ultimately reducing the balance of the ecosystem.
  • Low life expectancy: It is evidenced that life expectancy is reducing in countries with fastest growing population.
  • Elevated crime rate due to drug cartels and increased theft by people stealing resources to support their living, crime rate in overpopulated countries has increased.
These problems will not go away in days or years. This will take decades to reach a solution. Only and if only, we all are self aware of the problems and help our community to control the population rate.